Thursday, September 8, 2011

Chapel dress

I have been sewing lately, just working on a big order of diapers for my friend T, and waiting to post till I'm done with all of them. Almost there!

I took a break from that project a few nights ago to sew Littles' new chapel dress for school. As I've mentioned previously, these dresses cost about $50 if purchased in a store, so last fall, I got some fabric from Joann's to make one myself. They offered me the end of the bolt -- basically, if what you request to be cut leaves less than a yard or so on the bolt, the cutter will sometimes offer the remaining fabric to you at the remnant price (50% off the current price). The remaining fabric was nearly enough for another dress, so I got just a little bit more from a different bolt and figured I'd make another dress for her in the next size up.

I actually did all the cutting and everything last fall, and the cut fabric pieces have just been sitting around waiting to be sewn up. Of course, I waited till the night before the first chapel day to do it :) Luckily, it's an easy pattern that sews up quickly. I did find that the fabric frays very easily, so I ended up using my serger on a lot of it, to quickly finish the edges so they wouldn't fray. I love that thing!

Here's the end result. Simplicity 9854, in size 4 (the shirt is store bought):

d3 (2)

It's a little big, but that's perfect. The size 3 was a little big on her last fall, and by the end of the school year, it was baaaaaaaaarely big enough.


  1. That's adorable! How long did it take you?

  2. Hi Amanda! It took me... hmmm, maybe 2-3 hours? But I am a SLOW sewer, and also, I started off using my regular sewing machine exclusively and figured out midway through that my serger worked far better on that fabric. Had I used the serger from the start, I bet it would have shaved at least 30-60 minutes off that time.

    I have some corduroy that I plan to use to sew her some more jumpers for this winter, so we'll see how long those take me :)
