Tuesday, September 20, 2011

More wetbags

I made these for my friend C. Her son recently started preschool, so she wanted a bag that she could put his spare clothes in, and that his teachers could send any soiled clothes home in.


This is my standard wetbag with a woven cotton outer (from Joann's), PUL inner (still working through that white PUL I got directly from another sewer), and zipper (from my eBay zipper stash).

I added a snap-on name tag. C's son is going to a Spanish immersion preschool, so it's in Spanish. It says "Ropa de emergencia de J______ R_______." Translation: "J_____ R______'s emergency clothes."


I spent way too long on the darn name tag, but once I figured it out, it was very simple. I designed the graphics/text in Microsoft Publisher and printed it on t-shirt transfer paper. I transferred it to a piece of white broadcloth. Then I took a piece of flannel, reinforced it with interfacing, and added snaps. Finally, I serged together the broadcloth, the flannel, and an extra layer of flannel in between (so that the snap caps wouldn't be visible through the broadcloth).

The reason it took so long was that I kept trying to make the tag almost the same size as the snaps. (There are four of them, in a rectangular shape.) Then I wasn't able to sew or serge, because my presser foot kept hitting the snaps. Finally, I just made the darn thing huge, which gave me plenty of room to work with when sewing it all together.

I made another, larger wetbag for C, to put wet clothes/towels in at the pool:


Again, it's a woven cotton outer (from WalMart), PUL inner (same white PUL), zipper (from my eBay zipper stash). Close up of the print and the zipper:



  1. I just used PUL for the first time today. Glad I had decided to serge and topstitch it because my serging isn't the prettiest. It didn't always want to feed through my serger. Live and learn, though, right?

  2. I have a Teflon foot for my sewing machine. It helps TREMENDOUSLY when sewing PUL shiny side up. I don't have one for my serger... yet :) But I haven't really needed to do much serging with PUL, so it works out OK.

    I've also put tissue paper over the PUL before, and that works pretty well, too. When you're done sewing, you just tear off the tissue paper.
