Tuesday, May 3, 2011

PUL diaper cover


I really don't know what possessed me to sew this, as I barely use PUL covers anymore, now that I have so much wonderful wool. But, well, I have all that leftover aqua PUL... and the Darling Diapers Unlimited pattern has instructions for using it to sew covers... and then I was at Joann's the other day buying regular elastic during their 50% off notions wall sale, and I saw that they have fold-over elastic (FOE) there, too. Soooooo, I bought some.

This was my first time sewing with FOE. Essentially, it's 1" wide elastic that has a little crease running down the middle, so you can fold it over (hence the name!) the edge of your garment. If you just fold it over, it makes a nice neat binding, but if you stretch it while sewing, it works like regular elastic. That allows it to be used to bind and elasticize simultaneously on a one-layer cover.

It was a little tricky to get the hang of sewing with FOE, especially around the curves in the diaper pattern. Even after I finished, I wasn't at all sure that the cover had turned out well. To my surprise, when I tried it on Noob this morning, it fit great! It's nice and trim, which I love. Also, one of the things I don't like about most of my other PUL covers is that they are not wide enough through the crotch, so it is hard to tuck all of Noob's prefold under the cover. (And not tucking a prefold under the cover is a sure-fire way to get a leak.) With this cover, I was able to make it really wide, so it easily covers the entire prefold.


So, I don't know why I sewed it, but I'm glad I did! :)

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